Our network is made up of first-class suppliers and competent partners. They are the guarantor for constant innovation and qualified cooperation.
We also invest our resources in scientific partnerships. We work with them on joint projects, are in constant communication and thus create added value for all parties involved. Made possible by the good cooperation with AQT (Alpine Quantum Technologies), CERN, DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) and MCI (Management Center Innsbruck).
Research & Development
creating great things together

Research and development are part of our mindset, which is why we are particularly pleased when we can collaborate on research projects and generate concrete added value. A concrete example of this is the eVITA project (electrical Vestibular Implant Tyrol Austria) – the development of a vestibular implant.
A disorder of the organ of balance, also called the vestibular organ, leads to problems in movement and visual perception. The result is dizziness with nausea and vomiting, and vision is also severely impaired. The information picked up by the eye can no longer be processed properly by the brain if the information from the sense of balance for image stabilization is missing. This causes an increased risk of falls and a massive reduction in quality of life. 500,000 people in Europe and the USA are affected. The remedy is to be a biotechnical prosthesis that replaces the affected sensory organ. The nerve cells of the vestibular organ are specifically stimulated via electrical impulses to compensate for the failure of the sensory cells. This goal can only be achieved in an interdisciplinary manner by combining the appropriate skills in the fields of biomedical informatics, microanatomy and physiology of the inner ear, as well as the innovative professionalism of reliable manufacturing experts. Project partners of eVITA are the University Hospital Innsbruck, the UMIT TIROL with the Institute for Biomedical Image Analysis (IBIA), the Innsbruck-based MED-EL GmbH, a world leader in the field of hearing implants, SWACRIT systems as an expert for the manufacturing of medical products in the µ-range, as well as the company LaiTronic GmbH for the development of a motion capture system.
This ambitious and equally important project was funded by the Land Tirol as part of the K-Regio program, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).